The Magpie Offering

Supply Chain Magpie is a market intelligence application that builds upon NM’s unique experience in management of risk, from Tactical to the Grand Strategic

Magpie, which is formed around best practice intelligence doctrines, will provide timely, evidenced and granular insights in an uncertain and rapidly changing World, irrespective of market sector.

It delivers competitive advantage by compressing decision-action cycles at all levels of an enterprise, and uses visual immersion to help put critical decisions beyond the art of guesswork.

Magpie Benefits

  • Underpins faster decision making at all levels in an organisation to give ‘competitive advantage’
  • Positive impacts on the bottom line
  • Outstrips competitors by generating ‘Tempo’
    • Increases relative rate of decision-action (Boyd or OODA Loop) cycles
    • Practises doctrine of Manoeuvre Warfare (Auftragstaktik) allowing delegation of actions to free up Executive time
  • Is secure by design to enhance user confidence
  • Trust based system segmentation allowing adaptive access control
  • Capitalises on sunk costs in other data intensive projects
  • International capacity – 30+ languages (up to 300+ in future – stc)

Magpie Features

Formed around NM’s experience from grand strategic down to tactical intelligence management

Based on best practice from intelligence agencies and life-critical applications in military / commercial flight safety​

Analysis of past, current and future events​

Amasses, sifts and surfaces data to provide discriminating ‘insights’ to users at multiple levels

  • Using power of visualisation to exploit human instincts for hunter gathering​
  • Machine learning to drive correlated data to the surface and alert users on events of defined relevance​
  • Autonomous data gathering​

Bottom-up data taxonomy based on best practice and unique​

  • Minimising scope for unconscious bias, or media-driven decision making​​
  • Providing insights down to sub-component levels of technology, or reports from individuals the ground​​


  • Magpie precursor ‘Pinemarten’ has been adopted within UK Government programme
    • Risk reduction project
    • ‘They don’t know how to do it’ – Apollo XIII
  • Pinemarten MVP achieved December 2023
  • Inter-relationships between two UK national level risks and unearths non-obvious factors
    • Single points of failure
    • Option analysis
    • Contingency planning